After you are approved to be a New Hope Clinic patient, you will receive a call from one of our healthcare providers to ask about your health and healthcare needs. They will schedule your medical and dental appointments.

At your first appointment, your healthcare provider will advise you of any needed follow-up appointments and will assist you in scheduling those.

The New Hope Clinic provides primary care services in a patient-centered setting. Our health care providers will work with you as the patient to reach your health care goals. If and when medical specialists are needed to address any issues you have as a patient, we will work with you and Cape Fear HealthNet to try to find area providers to meet those needs. We expect our patients to call the New Hope Clinic first to coordinate any non-emergency care you may need.

How do I use the pharmacy services?

To receive medication from our pharmacy, you must have a prescription written by one of our providers. All medications provided by New Hope Clinic pharmacy are completely free for our patients. For expensive medications, we try to get these through a Pharmacy Assistance Program. We do not have or prescribe any narcotics or controlled medications at New Hope Clinic, but we can help you find a provider to manage those medicines for you if they are needed.

Services & Hours